Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals: Part 4

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

In Part 4 we continue our No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals.  This Reverend and Wedding Officiant is hoping you are learning some new ideas here, or perhaps improving on the skills you already have.  Regardless of your situation, NOW is the time to follow through on your life goals!!!  Part 4 will provide details to how you can successfully set your goals...OK, sit back and enjoy...

Successfully Setting Goals
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder

As you can see, failing at our goals is often a lot easier than achieving them. You might be asking yourself why bother setting goals if you are going to fail. You can successfully achieve your goals if you take a few steps to set up the right kinds of goals.  

Those who succeed at reaching their goals all do certain things in common.

·        Believe in your goals. It doesn’t do you any good to create goals that you don’t believe you can achieve. Make them just out of your current reach.

·        Visualize yourself having achieved the goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 2 months, visualize yourself buying a size smaller outfit.

·        Write your goals down. This is a powerful step. It’s the number one thing that helps keep you on track. Begin by writing down the big goal. Then break it down into smaller steps on how to reach your goal. Henriette Anne Klauser details this in her captivating book, Write It Down and Make It Happen. Writing down your goal means you are stating your intention and setting things in motion.

·        Commit to them. Do something towards achieving your goal every day. It doesn’t have to be a major step. Just do something. Maybe it’s drinking one more glass of water or walking an extra block.

·        Stay focused. Keep the number of goals you set at one time to less than 5. It’s difficult for anyone to focus on more than 5 items at one time. Don’t include several goals under each big goal. Instead focus on a few goals that you can repeat from memory.

·        Create “SMART” goals. This popular acronym that has been proven to work when setting your goals. They meet five specific criteria:

§  Specific- the goal must identify exactly what you want to accomplish in a very specific way. Instead of a goal of, “write a book”, make it more specific like, “Write a book proposal for The Family Life Manifesto.”

§  Measurable- the goal needs to have a measurable end result so you know without a doubt you have hit your goal. A goal of “earn more than last year” can’t be measured. A goal of “Earn $10,000 more this year than the last.” can.

§  Actionable- your goal should start with an action. (run, finish, quit, earn) instead of a to be verb (be, have, am). Replace “Be more active” with “Run 2 miles every day.”

§  Realistic- a good goal will stretch you out of your comfort zone but not be so unrealistic as to not be attainable in a reasonable amount of time. A lofty goal of “Qualify for the PGA Tour” might be better than “Lower my golf handicap by four strokes.”

§  Time- the goal needs to have a specific date for completion. It can be a year-end date or a closer date. “Lose ten pounds" doesn’t have a specific time while “lose 10 pounds by August 31” does.

·        Plan of action. Once you’ve committed to a goal, create a plan of action to attain it. The best way to do this is the break the big goal into smaller steps. Work backward from the big goal to help you figure out what you need to do.

·        Review your written goals frequently. Review them on a regular basis to keep on track and to determine what your next step is. You can review them daily, weekly or monthly, whatever works best for you. Let your goals inspire you to fill your daily task list.

Goal-setting is not just helpful, it’s necessary to succeed in what makes you happy. Those who make consistent progress towards their goals are often happier and have more satisfied lives than those who drift through life. Successful goal setting is the guide that gets them to the end of their goal.

Part 5 will give details of tips from actual experts who utilize upon the concept of setting and achieving goals.  OK, stay Blessed, and see you soon...

Kind Regards,

Dr. Anna Mock-Ward, Officiate My Wedding - A Subdivision of Wisdom Heart Ministry