Friday, May 6, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals: Part 5

Hello Again Everyone!!!...  Have you been following our No Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals?  If not, this Wedding Officiant wants you to be sure and review our prior blogs...

Tips from the Experts
It’s one thing to tell you that you need to create concrete goals. I mean, who am I to tell you they work? I searched out some experts who have used goals to make a success of themselves.
Here are some of their tips on setting and achieving goals.

  1. Focus and concentration are the keys to success. Focus means that you know exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and concentration requires that you dedicate yourself to doing only those things that move you toward your goal.” Brian Tracy is a top sales trainer and personal success authority.
  2. Set ‘bumper goals’ – so that if you finish Benchmark A, B or C – you STILL have a win and can stop or celebrate! This gave me a ‘game’ mentality and I was actually curious to see which goal I would hit first! Maybe I’m a geek, but it made my task more fun!” Carrie Wilkerson, The Barefoot Executive is a best-selling author, international speaker, award-winning podcaster, and radio guest.
  3. “Even though you have a goal in mind that you will work tirelessly for, remember that you are human and that everyone needs a rest. You know that statement that says to adjust your oxygen mask before helping others? That is absolutely true—get your oxygen before you can give to those around you.”  Mally Roncal is a makeup artist and founder and president of Mally Beauty.
  4. Never feel you’ve reached your goals. Don't ever give up on your dreams, and work toward making them a reality.”  José Eber is a celebrity hairstylist.
  5. I block out several hours every week on my calendar for ‘creative time.’ I turn off my phone and spend time writing and researching. I think it's really important to do these weekly sessions because they provide clarity about my brand and where I want it to go; this practice can help with any goal.” Emily Morse is a sex therapist, relationship advisor, and author.
  6. “Goals such as ‘eat more healthfully,’ ‘exercise more,’ or ‘get more fun out of life’ are vague. Make it clear to yourself what you’re expecting from yourself. Goals such as ‘bring my lunch to work every day,’ ‘take a 20-minute walk after work,’ or ‘make a lunch date with a friend every Friday’ are easy to measure.”  Gretchen Rubin is the best-selling author of The Happiness Project.
  7. Some goals must be BIG to make you stretch and grow to your full potential. Some goals must be long-range to keep you on track and greatly reduce the possibility of short-range frustrations. Some goals must be small and daily to keep you disciplined. Some goals must be ongoing. Some goals (i.e., weight loss, sales success, education, etc.) may require analysis and consultation to determine where you are before you can set the goals. Most goals should be specific." Zig Ziglar was a long time motivational speaker.
  8. “A key thing with goals that I learned from Facebook is to only have one goal for a specific period of time. It helps with saying no to other distractions you will face during the year.” Noah Kagan is the founder of AppSumo, a company that connects businesses with great products that will help them succeed & writes the OkDork blog.
  9. “Using my list of priorities as a guide, I focus on one step at a time. New ideas may be considered, but if they could get priorities out of order, they have to wait their turn. I generally jot those ideas in a project file, and then return focus to the task at hand.” Kathryn Aragon, is an award-winning copywriter, content marketer, consultant and product creator. She is also the editor of The Daily Egg, Crazy Egg’s conversion optimization blog.
There you have it. Straight from successful people the tips they use to reach their goals. Follow their examples to achieve your own successful goals.
Following Through to the End
A goal properly set is halfway reached. ~ Zig Ziglar

Listen. You know it’s a great idea to create and write down your goals, but if you don’t follow through with them they won’t do you any good. It takes more than wishful thinking to follow through on your dreams. Learning a new skill or getting more education or motivating yourself to change the way you eat takes specific steps.

Once you know how to create strong goals and how to make a plan to follow through on each one, you’ve learned a skill that will help you succeed the rest of your life.

  • Differentiate between short and long-term goals. This is your first step. You need to write down your goals and set a specific date you want to achieve the goals. Goals can be one month, three months, six months, one year, 5 years or any other amount of time. Short term goals might be something like lose 5 pounds in 2 months while a long term goal could be save $300,000 in 5 years to build a home.
  • Have an accountability partner. This is someone who believes in you and can hold you accountable when you go off track or want to quit. An accountability partner is like a sports coach. They 
  • are there to guide you, make sure you do what you say you will and give you a good talking to when you fall off course.
  • Visualize your goals every step of the way. Take time to visualize what the completed goal looks like. How does it feel? What will you be doing? What does it smell, taste, and look like? IF you need to, cut out or draw an image of the final goal. Imagine yourself in the situation to raise your motivation. When you run into a tough spell, take out your visualization to remind yourself why you are pursuing the goal.
  • Break down your goals into smaller steps. Make each step small enough that it’s not so monumental that it takes you a long time to complete it. Instead have small tasks to complete towards the goal each day. Physically tick off completed tasks from your goal break down list. For instance, maybe your big goal is to lose 20 pounds by eating healthy and exercising. Break this down to something like eat one fresh vegetable for each meal today. Walk for 5 minutes.
  • Review often. Take time every month to review your goals. This keeps you on track and can help you see if you are pursuing a goal that no longer matters to you.
  • Be consistent. Work on your goals every day. If you need to, tweak your habits. Work on changing old habits that won’t help you reach your goal. Begin building new habits.
  • Reward yourself when you reach a milestone. Allow yourself to celebrate certain steps along the way.
  • Practice self-forgiveness. If you fall off track, don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself and then get back on track.
In everything that matters, it’s important to follow through. You wouldn’t ask someone on a date and then not show up would you? Or... Would you commit to your wedding officiant, and then cancel? Follow through is important and can be achieved by having someone to help motivate you, breaking down your goals into small manageable steps and remembering why you are after the goal to begin with.
What to Do Next
In the end, successfully setting goals can help you find and follow what really matters to you. Take the time to really think about what you want out of your life, your business, your health. Then write out the goals you want to achieve in the short-term and in the long-term. Make them just out of your comfort zone to help you stay motivated.

Get others who are committed to helping you succeed on board. Ask them to be your accountability partners. Break the goals down into smaller steps. Finally, be aware of the reasons we often fail at reaching our goals. Make sure you really want what you’re reaching for and you have a definite reason why you are pursuing it.

Always Remember...Doc Annie is here for you...All you have to do is reach out, and I will be here for you...