Monday, August 31, 2015

What’s For Dinner? Menu Planning Tips for Busy Moms

Dinner is the last meal of the day and a time when families can get together and discuss their day. It is also a hectic meal for busy moms who are just getting off of work or who have been busy with other activities all day. Now, I too am busy, a busy wedding officiant in PA, and dinner planning is also hectic for me! If you are a busy mom or you know a busy mom, here are some menu planning tips to help make dinner meals easy and even fun.

1. Schedule your meals a week in advance.  This is one of the most important planning tips for meals. Knowing what you are going to eat throughout the week means less chance that you will stop off at the closest fast food joint for a convenient, but unhealthy meal. Decide on the last day of the previous week (let’s say Saturday for the sake of argument) what the menu will be for the following week. Create your shopping list from the list of ingredients to avoid buying what you don’t need at the grocery store.

2. Look for bargains. Clip coupons, read advertising circulars and the like to decide where the best grocery to shop is for your menu items. If one ingredient is a common denominator in many meals, consider buying in bulk to save money. Common staples like milk, eggs, bread and sugar can be bought in bulk as well. Some stores will have double or triple coupon days when you can save even more.

3. Search online. After a while your family will get tired of chicken and rice every Thursday. You can get into a menu rut sometimes. Use the Internet to search for new and exciting recipes. Learn to put a twist on old recipes for a new taste.

4. Have a leftover night. After preparing meals for five or six days, there is bound to be some food left over. Designate one night to be leftover night and let everyone mix and match for dinner. It saves mom from having to throw away any food.

5. Cook your meals in advance. After deciding on a menu plan for the week, go ahead and fix as many meals as you can. Choose a day when the entire family can help like Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon. Each person can take one meal and fix it for the following week. Once everything has cooled, store it in sealed containers or casserole dishes to be frozen until the night it is needed.

6. Do prep work in advance. All of the meals can’t be cooked at once. Some foods just taste better freshly prepared. For them, do as much prep work in advance as you can. Enlist your kids to help chop (give them the kitchen shears instead) vegetables, dice cooked meat and mix together dry ingredients. The night of the meal, all that is needed is to add the wet ingredients and bake.

Meal time doesn’t have to be all on mom. The entire family can help with dinner so it is a relaxing meal for everyone.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

41 Social Media Tips

This wedding officiant understands the importance of incorporating social media into business practices.  If you are just starting out in the business sector, or even the person who wants to connect for fun, then these social media tips are just for you.  Now keep in mind... our current technology is constantly going through a facelift, thus as I am typing these words at this very moment, a new procedure will have been created!!!  OK, enjoy, and get your social media groove on!!!

  1. What’s your social media goal? If you don’t know where you want to go, it’s pretty hard to get there.
  2. Promote your most popular posts – and that goes for blog posts as well as social media posts.
  3. If you hate tracking, at least track with Facebook Insights. It’ll show you a lot about your Page progress.
  4. How do you get the conversation going on social media? Try humor and controversy. They’re very powerful.
  5. Social media is a powerful thing, but never mistake fooling around with being productive. Stay focused!
  6. Click FB Insights’ “Posts>When Your Fans are Online” to see your audience’s peak posting times. (Post during these times!)
  7. Look for questions repeated over and over on your chosen social networks. Provide the definitive answer.
  8. Analyze your own tweets. Which types got most retweeting? Most Interaction? Questions, graphics or?
  9. Don’t be shy with your social media presence. Go for it – but be authentic – and be social!
  10. Still trying to be everyone’s “friend”? Each connection counts – and speaks loudly about who you are to your other connections.
  11. If you want your social content to social content to attract, do your best to share quality tips that are really unique
  12. Make sure you speak with an identifiable, individual voice when posting social content. Your posts should never sound “canned”.
  13. Be consistent and post regularly during your audience’s peak posting times on any social networks you’ve chosen to frequent.
  14. If you use Pinterest regularly, make sure you also access for powerful, easy to use Pinterest analytics.
  15. Use for easy hashtag monitoring. (Let your social networking friends know about this, too.)
  16. Posts people skip most? Highly personal negative posts complaining about illness and problems.  (Do you agree?)
  17. Include a mix of rich media in your social content. Video, photos, Instagram and Vine looping video clips.
  18. Vine video clips loop. Instagram video clips don’t. Vine streams on Twitter; Instagram videos on Facebook.
  19. Vine videos are 6 seconds long. Instagram are 15 seconds. How can you use this information for your marketing?
  20. Tapping your screen for a Vine video starts filming. Tapping your screen for an Instagram video just adjusts focus.
  21. Be sure you don’t use any banned hashtags with your Instagram photos or videos:
  22. Use Instagram hashtags to crowd-source user-generated content as well as extend your own reach.
  23. Remember that Instagram hashtags are not case-sensitive and don’t work with spaces or special characters.
  24. If your preferred social platform doesn’t have good native analytics, look for third party sites that provide it.
  25. Give your new product campaign a name – and start talking about it on your social media.
  26. Make sure all new product posts are made regularly. Don’t let gaps occur. Keep it fresh in people’s minds (without overdoing it.)
  27. Don’t tell everyone too much at once about your upcoming project. Mystery breeds interest! Hints and teasers are part of the fun.
  28. Use to create free surveys. You can ask questions for your new product idea and share the link on social media.
  29. If you’re advertising on Facebook, remember your ad images, including the thumbnail, cannot include more than 20% text.
  30. Take advantage of the fact you can now use text, arrows and calls to action in Facebook Cover –photos.
  31. Facebook Profile photos are square and display at 160 x 160 pixels – but remember Facebook wants you to upload at 180 x 180.
  32. At the very least, include a Facebook app tab leading to your sign-up page or form (and use a clear, easy-to-read call to action.)
  33. You can display 3 custom app tabs of your choice in your Facebook header section. Make the most of this “real estate”!
  34. Only your short description displays in your Facebook header section, but fill out your Profile 100% for max searchability.
  35. Select “Replies On” in your Page Admin panel “Manage Permissions” section to increase the conversation on your Page.
  36. If you consistently get endorsements that are not relevant on LinkedIn, be aware you can remove endorsements completely.
  37. Check “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” in LinkedIn to see who is finding you – as well as the keywords they used.
  38. In your LinkedIn Privacy and Settings page, "Select what others see when you've viewed their profile” to keep it private - or not.
  39. In Google+ posts, encase text in asterisks for bold and underscore it to create italics. (Share this tip!)
  40. Did you know Google+ makes animated .GIFs from your photos? Just type the keyword “motion” in your Photos section to find them.
  41. Use the Google+ Ripples feature to track your posts by clicking the top-right arrow in your post.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No Matter Your Budget... This Wedding Officiant in PA is Here to Serve on your Wedding Day

Getting married can place a strain upon one' wallet, but have no fear...  This wedding officiant is here to work within your budget.  I am here for an elopement, or can even perform a Basic Wedding Vow ceremony, because I want to help you stay within your budget...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Best Family Beach Vacations

As a Wedding Officiant in PA, I have noted that the best beaches can be found along the Atlantic and Pacific Coast.  Here are a few ideas you may wish to consider for your next family beach vacation.

Florida.  From Ft. Lauderdale to Miami Beach, Florida is a prime resort area for family vacations.  With perfect weather and miles and miles of beaches, this area is affordable, diverse, and has a wide variety of water-sports, restaurants, and a myriad of activities for children. Cocoa Beach is only an hour away from the Kennedy Space Center and Disney World.  In addition, Disney’s Vero Beach Resort is considered one of the best in Florida.

Myrtle Beach.  Among the many favourite activities for children include: Ripley’s Aquarium, Le Grande Cirque, a show quite famous for its acrobatics and other circus performers; and Myrtle Waves Water Park.  For older children, a definite must-see is the NASCAR Speedpark.

With a myriad of dining options, shopping, and other historic sites; Myrtle Beach has been named the number one choice for beach family vacations in the U.S.

Hamptons.  One of the most affordable vacations for beach-loving families is East Hampton, New York.  The best place to stay is at the East Hampton House.  The rooms are available in one and two bedroom units that contain fully-equipped kitchens and/or kitchenettes.  Moreover, you have guest privileges at the nearby beach.

Although this vacation spot does not offer food, it does have an indoor gym and offers morning coffee there as well.  But, across the street is a deli that has an array of items on their breakfast menu and is very affordable.  In addition, there is a Chinese restaurant across the street as well as a take-out barbecue, and deli.

The grounds are impeccable and there is a very large pool (one for the kiddies, too) where you can lounge in the sun.  A tennis court is also on the premises.  Every room has its own balcony with lounge chairs and a table.

Hawaii.  Of course, nothing can compare to the beaches that are in Oahu, Maui, and Kauai.  No matter what island you choose, Hawaii has the most pristine beaches anywhere in the U.S.  Moreover, there are black-sand beaches on the island of Maui as well as a myriad of activities for the entire family.

San Diego.  Shifting to the west Coast, your family might enjoy a stay at the Beach Cottages.  This site offers numerous amenities such as water sports, biking, as well as an amusement park.  For the kids, San Diego Zoo and Sea World are not far from the Beach Cottages.


Centrally located to restaurants and shopping, Beach Cottages is an affordable vacation spot where the family can enjoy the sun, the surf, and other amenities available.  In fact, you can book a studio that offers a fully equipped kitchen.

Redondo Beach.  Located on Santa Monica Bay, this report haven is perfect for family beach vacations.  Here you can enjoy water sports, fishing bicycling, kayaking, as well as fine restaurants shops located not far from the Santa Monica Pier.  There are many hotels that are situated across the street from the beach or within walking distance.  Each has its own set of amenities that are geared towards families.

A Tuesday Morning Health Quote for You

Sunday, August 16, 2015

41 Health Tips

Happy Sunday to All, and now that you have most likely completed dinner and bellies full...  This wedding officiant would like to provide you with some health tips.  I know, I too am guilty of splurging on junk food, less to no exercise, and just basically ignoring health in general...  Below I have included 41 Health Tips that I believe we all can utilize at one time or another.  OK, HAPPY READINGS!!!

  1. Most people are dehydrated (especially in winter areas where you have to heat your home) so do drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.
  2. Got a headache? Try drinking a couple of glasses of water first before reaching for the aspirin.
  3. Inhaling and drinking a cup of black coffee can help stop mild asthma attacks before they get worse.
  4. If water makes you gag, add a slice of lemon or lime. Stick with trying to drink 1 glass a day for 22 days (21 days=new habit).
  5. “To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha
  6. If you’ve never had surgery, avoid cosmetic procedures until you know if your body reacts abnormally to scarring.
  7. If your child is putting on unnecessary weight, look to your own cooking and feeding habits.  Lead by example.
  8. If your child needs to control their weight, start exercising with him – but call it “play” – not “exercise”.
  9. “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.” ~ Deepak Chopra
  10. Never put a child on a diet. Instead, focus on slowing weight gain until she grows into the weight she is now.
  11. If you hate water, start with 1 glass then make the next 5 soda water.  As you get used to water, start cutting down on the soda.
  12.  To get your child interested in healthier foods, ask her to help you prepare and cook them. (Please retweet.)
  13. Step away from the computer. Go do some stretches. NOW!
  14. Instead of that second cup of coffee, wait 10 minutes; then have a glass of water.
  15. Human beings are like car batteries: we start short-circuiting and run out of steam if we don’t keep topped up with water.
  16. To cut down on weight gain from alcohol during the party season, try dry white wine spritzers made with soda water.
  17. Did you know that the higher the alcohol content, the higher the calories, when it comes to wine?
  18. Red wines slow your metabolism down more than white wines due to a higher alcohol count.
  19. People who are too rooted in habit are using the same worn neural pathways. Exercise your brain by doing new things.
  20. If you seem to have low immunity, get your folic acid checked and take it as a supplement.
  21. If you avoid carbs for at least an hour after exercise, your body is forced to burn fat. (Share with your low carb friends.)
  22. Install an air filter in your home if you have pet allergies.  And be sure to let someone else brush him – outside!
  23. Food you eat can affect bladder health.  Be sure that fresh fruit is a part of your diet – your bladder will thank you.
  24. Everyone knows about cranberries being good for your bladder – but did you also know pears can help too? (They balance acidity.)
  25. Eating good yogurt can improve bladder health by strengthening cells and helping balance acidity. (Retweet this!)
  26. Hand-washing is never a “suggestion”. Wash thoroughly with soap and scrub for at least fifteen seconds before rinsing thoroughly.
  27. If you frequently end up with bladder infections, cut irritants such as caffeine, spicy foods and acidic foods from your diet.
  28. Avoid sunscreens with a citrus or coconut scent:  This can indicate the presence of psoralen, which speeds up aging!
  29. If you have asthma, choose aerobic (endurance-building) forms of exercise rather than anaerobic (e.g. sprinting).
  30. If you need to carry an Epipen, make sure you always carry at least 2 (1 is rarely enough). And keep them current.
  31. If something is not working in your life, get rid of it. The results will be less stress and better health.
  32. Whether or not you opt for a low-carb diet, starchy or sugary foods should make up no more than 1/3 of your daily food intake.
  33. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale if you want to protect your eyesight.
  34. Our foods and diets are no longer “pure”. It’s now essential to supplement with vitamin D in the winter and Omega 3/DHA all year round.
  35. Not only does smoking age your skin, it causes cataracts, macular degeneration and optic nerve damage.
  36. Be eye-smart: Winter or summer, use sunglasses that block out 99-100% of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.
  37. Always wash your hands thoroughly when taking out or putting in your contact lenses. (How many do that, do you think?)
  38. “Your body hears everything your mind says.” ~ Naomi Judd
  39. Did you know that being overweight puts every system at risk – including your eyes?  Diabetic glaucoma is one of those risks.
  40. Let’s beat insomnia! Cut off caffeine drinks by 2pm and go to bed instantly when tired – don’t wait.
  41. “Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” ~ Ralph Marston
 OK, so now that you have read this wedding officiant's health tips, I hope there are some items that you will be able to utilize and help improve on your personal well-being...  If you want to add additional health tips, be sure to leave me a comment below...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Another Happy Couple

This wedding officiant is proud to be serving Beth and Jason on their Special Day!!!  I will see you both soon.

Baked-Eggplant Parmesan

When I am not busy marrying my wedding couples, this wedding officiant is busy at cooking!  Most of the time, I do try to bake all my meals, because a baked meal will tend to be less mess and less in fat.  Below, I have included my take on the Baked-Eggplant Parmesan meal for your pleasure, and hopefully to fill your belly in the process.  Your Prep time will vary, and I suggest giving yourself roughly between 20-30 minutes.  The Total Time for your meal is approximately 1 hour and 30-50 minutes (time varies between oven styles).  Finally, the total servings can range from 4-8 people.  Servings will all depend on the size portions your family members may grab!!!

Olive Oil to spread onto your baking sheets
2 Large eggs
3 / 4 Cups of your choice of dry breadcrumbs (I use Italian style)
3 / 4 Cups Grated Parmesan and extra for your final topping
1 – 2 Teaspoons Dried Oregano (Feel free to use more, because I definitely do!)
1 – 2 Teaspoons Dried Basil
Salt and Pepper
2 Large Eggplants
6 Cups of Chunky Tomato sauce, or make your own (I use fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, fresh garlic, stewed tomatoes, and diced tomatoes)
2 Cups Shredded Mozzarella

        Be sure to Pre-Heat your oven to 375 degrees.  You will want to take your olive oil, and brush onto 2 – 3 baking sheets (total sheets are dependent upon the size you are using), then place these sheets to the side.  In a bowl, you will want to whisk your eggs and approximately 2 tablespoons of water.  You will also take another bowl and combine the following ingredients: your style chosen for breadcrumbs, Parmesan, oregano, basil, salt and your pepper.

1.      Now is the time to dip your eggplants into the egg mixture, and then coat with your dry mixture ingredients.  Make sure that you have peeled your eggplants, and slice them approximately 1 /2 inches.  You will now place into your oven and bake each side for 20 to 25 minutes.  Remove baking sheets and set aside, and now raise your temperature to 400 degrees.

1.      Your baking dish can be any size you want, but I tend to use a 9 x 13 baking dish.  Start by adding 2 cups of your chunky sauce creation, and then place a single layer of your sliced eggplants; add another 2 cups of sauce, and add mozzarella; approximately half a cup.  You will repeat these steps, and then top off with the remainder of your Parmesan.  Place your baking dish into oven, and cook between 15 to 25 minutes.  Baking times will vary, but keep an eye on it, and continue your baking until sauce bubbles and your cheese has melted.

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do, and please let me know how your meal turns out as well.  This wedding officiant is looking forward to your comments…

Wedding Officiant, Dr. Anna Mock-Ward on her Take for a Simple and Delicious Vegetarian Dinner

If you’re looking for a meatless meal that satisfies, this wedding officiant says look no further. This isn’t exactly a recipe, but is meant to inspire you for our next veggie-only dish. 
All you do is preheat your oven to 350 F. Then chop up some veggies, herbs and toss them in some olive oil. In this photo, we have pattypans, peppers, onions and tomatoes. Add some fresh herbs like basil, parsley and oregano or whatever you like. Mushrooms, eggplant, garlic and plenty of other veggies also work well.
Mix all your ingredients and wrap everything in foil on a baking dish. Bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes or so. Drizzle with your favorite balsamic reduction and serve over rice, quinoa or just have it by itself.
Be sure to check out some of the other Awesome recipes that I have displayed here on my blog.  OK, until we meet again, your wedding officiant is signing off to eat some of this wonderful veggie dish!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Oven-Baked Summer Squash Fries

This wedding officiant just LOVES some Squash!!!  I LOVE Squash on the grill, in the frying pan, and even in the oven...  Instead of serving your family regular old french fries, why not serve up some oven baked squash fries?

A summer squash has a strong resemblance, in flavor and texture, to a zucchini. You can, in fact, substitute zucchini in this recipe, but it will probably bake a bit more quickly.

1 medium summer squash
2 eggs
1 ½ cups breadcrumbs (try panko breadcrumbs for a crunchier texture)
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon mustard power
Salt and pepper
Olive oil

How to Make It:

Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease a large baking sheet with olive oil and set aside.

Cut your summer squash into wedges. Remove the seeds if they are quite large and set wedges aside.

Whisk the eggs in a dish and set aside.

In another dish, combine the bread crumbs, paprika, mustard powder and salt and pepper.

Start by dipping the wedges, one by one, into the egg mixture and then the bread crumb mixture. Place each wedge on the greased baking sheet. Continue until all the wedges are done.

You can bake the wedges as is for about 30-40 (until soft inside and golden brown on the outside) as is, but if you want a more golden texture, drizzle or spray some olive oil on top of the wedges. Flip half way through baking.

Serve with ranch or another favorite dip.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Wedding Officiant, Dr. Anna's Word for the Day


Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect.
Just a gentle reminder... even this wedding officiant is imperfect!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Simple Grilled Fennel

As you know, this wedding officiant has been blogging about the Summer and Grilling.  I continue today with this Awesome grilling recipe.  OK, ENJOY...

Fennel has a very distinct licorice flavor and when it’s grilled becomes a tender, melt-in-your-mouth experience you don’t want to miss.

Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
45 min

Olive oil

How to Make It:

Trim the tops off the fennel. The stringy parts can be used as an herb in your cooking, but aren’t needed for this recipe. You can even use the stalks in place of celery in some recipes, but realize they’ll have a much stronger flavor than celery.

Trim the bottom of the bulb and then cut the remaining bulb lengthwise into quarters. Rub with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Place on grill at medium heat to sear the fennel. Move to indirect heat, with the cut side up, and cook covered for about 45 minutes or until fennel is very soft. You can tell when it’s done by texture, rather than time. You definitely want to make sure it’s tender.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Grilled Eggplant with Fresh Herbs

This wedding officiant just LOVES some Grilled eggplant.  As a matter of fact, I just made some this evening, and oh so yum-yum!!!  All I did was follow this simple recipe, and BAM, an excellent side dish has been served!!!

Fresh herbs are best with this recipe, but if you don’t have any on hand, you can certainly use their dried counterparts. Just use a pinch of each herb if you’re using dried.


1 eggplant
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 cloves minced garlic
¼ cup fresh basil, finely chopped
¼ cup fresh thyme, finely chopped
¼ cup fresh dill, finely chopped
¼ cup fresh oregano, finely chopped
Salt and pepper

How to Make It:

Cut the eggplant into slices and salt them lightly. Let them sit for about 15 minutes, so the salt can bring out the moisture of the pieces. Wipe them dry with a bit of paper towel.

Meanwhile, combine the oil, vinegar, garlic herbs, salt and pepper. Let site to absorb the flavors for about 15 minutes.

Brush eggplant with oil and herb mixture all over, ensuring that the herbs get distributed well.

Place on a lightly greased grill and grill for about 15-20 minutes, flipping half way through.  Mix with olive oil and garlic. Then let the flavors blend for about 15 minutes.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Sweet Maple Green Beans

If you’re being good and eating your green beans, you may as well make a treat of them. These beans sautéed in butter and maple syrup are tender, sweet and delicious.
2 cups green beans
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons maple syrup
Salt and pepper

How to Make It:

Steam green beans until softened. Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat. Add the maple syrup and green beans saute for a few minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.

This wedding officiant just LOVES some Green Beans!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Shish Kebobs Are Not Just for This Wedding Officiant Alone!

This wedding officiant just LOVES Shish Kebobs, but if you have kids, they love to eat grilled food, too. A fun and healthy alternative to hamburgers and hot dogs for them is to make shish kebobs. Shish Kebobs are easy to make and healthy for those young and old alike.

Shish kebobs remind me of those scenes in old movies when they are roasting meat over a spit. Unlike that scary unmentionable meat being turned over and over by the cowboys, we will put our favorite meats and veggies on a stick and add some flavor.

Kebobs cook just like that mystery meat in the old days. Whether you are using metal skewers or wooden ones, kebobs can be eaten without utensils making them popular with everyone from the kids who eat them to the moms who have to clean up. Metal skewers may be too hot to touch so if you have little ones, opt for the wooden ones. They are much cheaper and can be thrown out afterwards.

When working with wooden skewers, be careful to soak them in water for at least thirty minutes before putting them on the grill. A skewer that isn’t saturated will burn up on the grill and can cause flare ups.

Now that the safety issues are out of the way, let’s get started with the fun of creating these yummy shish kebobs. There are an infinite number of combinations you can make with your favorite foods. Choose your favorites from lamb, beef, chicken, shrimp, fish, and pork. For your vegetable choices, be sure to use veggies that can stand up to the heat of the grill without getting mushy and falling apart. Some of the more common choices include tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions.

Cut the meat and vegetables into one inch cubes. It is easier to cook them if all the food on the skewer is of similar size. Round veggies like tomatoes don’t have to be cut into square shapes. Just make sure that the size of the tomato is equal to the size of the other food. For more even cooking choose items with similar cooking times for the same skewer. For instance, it won’t take a shrimp or a scallop long to cook on a hot grill, but a chicken or beef square will take longer. A square of zucchini will take longer to cook than a cherry tomato. The zucchini will also hold up to the heat better. If you want a tomato on your skewer consider adding one to each end after the kebob has finished cooking or just a few minutes prior to the meat being cooked through. 

To reduce cooking time for chicken, boil boneless skinless chicken breasts for about twenty minutes before cubing. By parboiling you are helping to avoid cross contamination. It’s also a good idea to include only one type of meat on a skewer. When it comes time to put your shish kebobs together combine the chicken with a variety of complimentary vegetables.

When using raw meat, prepare kebobs the night before and chill them with or without marinade. If you marinade, be sure to drain any excess away before grilling. Let the skewers come to room temperature before placing on the grill to aid in faster, more even cooking.

Again, this wedding officiant loves shish kebobs. They can be used as appetizers or the main meal over a bed of rice for kids. Whether snack or main attraction, they are delicious. By mixing up the meats and veggies you can enjoy skewers anytime without getting bored with the same foods.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fruit and Rice Warm Me Up

Are you looking for a quick rice and fruit vegetarian meal?  Then this wedding officiant has the meal for you!!! Since I love fruit and rice, the extra added ingredients are also a bonus!  OK, enjoy, and let me know how you like this little meal!!!

What You Need:

1 1/2 C brown rice, cooked
1 C soy milk
1 banana, sliced
1 (15 oz) can fruit cocktail
1/4 C water
2 T honey
1 t vanilla extract
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg

How to Make It:

Place the water, honey and vanilla in a large saucepan over low heat.
Add the bananas and fruit cocktail stirring well to cover with liquid.
Stir in the cinnamon and nutmeg.
Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to low and allow to cook 8 minutes or until very tender but not mushy.
Stir in the rice.
Pour in the soy milk and stir well. 
Return to a boil and cook 10 minutes.
Best if served warm.