Saturday, August 15, 2015

Baked-Eggplant Parmesan

When I am not busy marrying my wedding couples, this wedding officiant is busy at cooking!  Most of the time, I do try to bake all my meals, because a baked meal will tend to be less mess and less in fat.  Below, I have included my take on the Baked-Eggplant Parmesan meal for your pleasure, and hopefully to fill your belly in the process.  Your Prep time will vary, and I suggest giving yourself roughly between 20-30 minutes.  The Total Time for your meal is approximately 1 hour and 30-50 minutes (time varies between oven styles).  Finally, the total servings can range from 4-8 people.  Servings will all depend on the size portions your family members may grab!!!

Olive Oil to spread onto your baking sheets
2 Large eggs
3 / 4 Cups of your choice of dry breadcrumbs (I use Italian style)
3 / 4 Cups Grated Parmesan and extra for your final topping
1 – 2 Teaspoons Dried Oregano (Feel free to use more, because I definitely do!)
1 – 2 Teaspoons Dried Basil
Salt and Pepper
2 Large Eggplants
6 Cups of Chunky Tomato sauce, or make your own (I use fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, fresh garlic, stewed tomatoes, and diced tomatoes)
2 Cups Shredded Mozzarella

        Be sure to Pre-Heat your oven to 375 degrees.  You will want to take your olive oil, and brush onto 2 – 3 baking sheets (total sheets are dependent upon the size you are using), then place these sheets to the side.  In a bowl, you will want to whisk your eggs and approximately 2 tablespoons of water.  You will also take another bowl and combine the following ingredients: your style chosen for breadcrumbs, Parmesan, oregano, basil, salt and your pepper.

1.      Now is the time to dip your eggplants into the egg mixture, and then coat with your dry mixture ingredients.  Make sure that you have peeled your eggplants, and slice them approximately 1 /2 inches.  You will now place into your oven and bake each side for 20 to 25 minutes.  Remove baking sheets and set aside, and now raise your temperature to 400 degrees.

1.      Your baking dish can be any size you want, but I tend to use a 9 x 13 baking dish.  Start by adding 2 cups of your chunky sauce creation, and then place a single layer of your sliced eggplants; add another 2 cups of sauce, and add mozzarella; approximately half a cup.  You will repeat these steps, and then top off with the remainder of your Parmesan.  Place your baking dish into oven, and cook between 15 to 25 minutes.  Baking times will vary, but keep an eye on it, and continue your baking until sauce bubbles and your cheese has melted.

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do, and please let me know how your meal turns out as well.  This wedding officiant is looking forward to your comments…

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