Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The "I Do" of Wedding Elopements

This Wedding Officiant in York, PA wants to know your thoughts on a Wedding Elopement.  Depending on your demographics, funds available, and timing are just a few obstacles to think about for your Awesome Wedding Day... and your partner have had a chance to sit down and review your budget for upcoming wedding... Atlas, you have come to the conclusion, that you are on a tight budget, and have limited funds, but want to make your day as special as you can.  What do you do now?...

As a Wedding Officiant in York, PA, I do have the solution you are searching for...  We can schedule your Awesome Wedding Day via Elopement style!  This style is most convenient, budget friendly, and with the right officiant...Can be an Awesome experience...  The first step is determining a date in which you want to have elopement performed...I always suggest picking several dates, because you will want to make sure your officiant is available for your Wedding Day.

Now that your date and officiant have been secured...Where do you want your elopement to take place?  As your Wedding Officiant, we do have several options, and will keep in mind your budget as well.  As you can see from the following pictures, you do have options for your Wedding Elopement...

Elopement option utilizing Doc Annie's exterior home( Wedding of Mary and Michael on June 19th, 2016) and (Wedding of Athena and Alex on September 17th, 2016)

Elopement Wedding utilizing Doc Annie's interior space ( Wedding of Karie and Sarah on August 7th, 2016) and (Wedding of Michele and Dominick on May 6th, 2016).

How about having your Elopement in a park?  The above pictures entail the Elopement of Grant and Jaime at Grubb Lake Nature Park in Columbia, PA on September 18th, 2016.  This park is located in West Hempfield Township, and half mile South on Marietta Avenue.

Pennsylvania has many parks to choose from, and depending on the amount of family and friends invited, you can also rent out pavilions.  The following are some additional parks that could be utilized for your Elopement Wedding Day...

The Breezyview  Gazebo in Chickies Rock County Park, located at 770 Chickies Hill Road, Columbia, PA  17512.  Please contact Lancaster County Goverenment Center for more information to rent this area space at 717-299-8000.

Ah...This Wedding Officiant in York, PA just LOVES Samuel Lewis State Park!!!  This video depicts the highlights, and I hope you enjoy!!! matter your Elopement locale, Doc Annie will help you create your Awesome Wedding Day.  I look forward to meeting you soon, and have an Awesome Day!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Grubb Lake Nature Park

Grubb Lake Nature Park, or as most of us call it by Grubb Lake, is located at 671 Hempfield Road, Columbia, PA  17512.  The park is located in West Hempfield Township and 1/2 mile South of Marietta Avenue.  I not only enjoy this locale on a personal level, but as a Wedding Officiant in York PA, I will also be performing a wedding for my Awesome couple, Jaime and Grant on Sunday, September 18th, 2016.

 This locale is great for your wedding day, because you can rent a pavilion for only $35.00.  Each pavilion has seating for up to 100 people, you will have picnic tables and grills, electric outlets, and bathroom access.  In order to reserve your pavilion, you must complete the reservation request form, and return to West Hempfield Township, along with your fee.  Please feel free to call the township directly for any questions at 717-285-5554.

Grubb Lake was a former iron ore mine, but the ore pit has since filled with water...

 This Awesome nature park is approximately 54 acres with beautiful trees surrounding the lake, and has many areas for some great fishing.  Within this beauty, you can also hike the 1 mile hiking trail.  Unfortunately, there is no boating, swimming, or pets allowed, so please be aware of these policies...

 So...if you are just looking to relax, or wanting to have your Wedding here, be sure to reserve your pavilion, and give this Wedding Officiant in York PA a call TODAY at 717-417-6510.

OK Folks...See you All Soon...

Friday, May 6, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals: Part 5

Hello Again Everyone!!!...  Have you been following our No Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals?  If not, this Wedding Officiant wants you to be sure and review our prior blogs...

Tips from the Experts
It’s one thing to tell you that you need to create concrete goals. I mean, who am I to tell you they work? I searched out some experts who have used goals to make a success of themselves.
Here are some of their tips on setting and achieving goals.

  1. Focus and concentration are the keys to success. Focus means that you know exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and concentration requires that you dedicate yourself to doing only those things that move you toward your goal.” Brian Tracy is a top sales trainer and personal success authority.
  2. Set ‘bumper goals’ – so that if you finish Benchmark A, B or C – you STILL have a win and can stop or celebrate! This gave me a ‘game’ mentality and I was actually curious to see which goal I would hit first! Maybe I’m a geek, but it made my task more fun!” Carrie Wilkerson, The Barefoot Executive is a best-selling author, international speaker, award-winning podcaster, and radio guest.
  3. “Even though you have a goal in mind that you will work tirelessly for, remember that you are human and that everyone needs a rest. You know that statement that says to adjust your oxygen mask before helping others? That is absolutely true—get your oxygen before you can give to those around you.”  Mally Roncal is a makeup artist and founder and president of Mally Beauty.
  4. Never feel you’ve reached your goals. Don't ever give up on your dreams, and work toward making them a reality.”  José Eber is a celebrity hairstylist.
  5. I block out several hours every week on my calendar for ‘creative time.’ I turn off my phone and spend time writing and researching. I think it's really important to do these weekly sessions because they provide clarity about my brand and where I want it to go; this practice can help with any goal.” Emily Morse is a sex therapist, relationship advisor, and author.
  6. “Goals such as ‘eat more healthfully,’ ‘exercise more,’ or ‘get more fun out of life’ are vague. Make it clear to yourself what you’re expecting from yourself. Goals such as ‘bring my lunch to work every day,’ ‘take a 20-minute walk after work,’ or ‘make a lunch date with a friend every Friday’ are easy to measure.”  Gretchen Rubin is the best-selling author of The Happiness Project.
  7. Some goals must be BIG to make you stretch and grow to your full potential. Some goals must be long-range to keep you on track and greatly reduce the possibility of short-range frustrations. Some goals must be small and daily to keep you disciplined. Some goals must be ongoing. Some goals (i.e., weight loss, sales success, education, etc.) may require analysis and consultation to determine where you are before you can set the goals. Most goals should be specific." Zig Ziglar was a long time motivational speaker.
  8. “A key thing with goals that I learned from Facebook is to only have one goal for a specific period of time. It helps with saying no to other distractions you will face during the year.” Noah Kagan is the founder of AppSumo, a company that connects businesses with great products that will help them succeed & writes the OkDork blog.
  9. “Using my list of priorities as a guide, I focus on one step at a time. New ideas may be considered, but if they could get priorities out of order, they have to wait their turn. I generally jot those ideas in a project file, and then return focus to the task at hand.” Kathryn Aragon, is an award-winning copywriter, content marketer, consultant and product creator. She is also the editor of The Daily Egg, Crazy Egg’s conversion optimization blog.
There you have it. Straight from successful people the tips they use to reach their goals. Follow their examples to achieve your own successful goals.
Following Through to the End
A goal properly set is halfway reached. ~ Zig Ziglar

Listen. You know it’s a great idea to create and write down your goals, but if you don’t follow through with them they won’t do you any good. It takes more than wishful thinking to follow through on your dreams. Learning a new skill or getting more education or motivating yourself to change the way you eat takes specific steps.

Once you know how to create strong goals and how to make a plan to follow through on each one, you’ve learned a skill that will help you succeed the rest of your life.

  • Differentiate between short and long-term goals. This is your first step. You need to write down your goals and set a specific date you want to achieve the goals. Goals can be one month, three months, six months, one year, 5 years or any other amount of time. Short term goals might be something like lose 5 pounds in 2 months while a long term goal could be save $300,000 in 5 years to build a home.
  • Have an accountability partner. This is someone who believes in you and can hold you accountable when you go off track or want to quit. An accountability partner is like a sports coach. They 
  • are there to guide you, make sure you do what you say you will and give you a good talking to when you fall off course.
  • Visualize your goals every step of the way. Take time to visualize what the completed goal looks like. How does it feel? What will you be doing? What does it smell, taste, and look like? IF you need to, cut out or draw an image of the final goal. Imagine yourself in the situation to raise your motivation. When you run into a tough spell, take out your visualization to remind yourself why you are pursuing the goal.
  • Break down your goals into smaller steps. Make each step small enough that it’s not so monumental that it takes you a long time to complete it. Instead have small tasks to complete towards the goal each day. Physically tick off completed tasks from your goal break down list. For instance, maybe your big goal is to lose 20 pounds by eating healthy and exercising. Break this down to something like eat one fresh vegetable for each meal today. Walk for 5 minutes.
  • Review often. Take time every month to review your goals. This keeps you on track and can help you see if you are pursuing a goal that no longer matters to you.
  • Be consistent. Work on your goals every day. If you need to, tweak your habits. Work on changing old habits that won’t help you reach your goal. Begin building new habits.
  • Reward yourself when you reach a milestone. Allow yourself to celebrate certain steps along the way.
  • Practice self-forgiveness. If you fall off track, don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself and then get back on track.
In everything that matters, it’s important to follow through. You wouldn’t ask someone on a date and then not show up would you? Or... Would you commit to your wedding officiant, and then cancel? Follow through is important and can be achieved by having someone to help motivate you, breaking down your goals into small manageable steps and remembering why you are after the goal to begin with.
What to Do Next
In the end, successfully setting goals can help you find and follow what really matters to you. Take the time to really think about what you want out of your life, your business, your health. Then write out the goals you want to achieve in the short-term and in the long-term. Make them just out of your comfort zone to help you stay motivated.

Get others who are committed to helping you succeed on board. Ask them to be your accountability partners. Break the goals down into smaller steps. Finally, be aware of the reasons we often fail at reaching our goals. Make sure you really want what you’re reaching for and you have a definite reason why you are pursuing it.

Always Remember...Doc Annie is here for you...All you have to do is reach out, and I will be here for you...

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals: Part 4

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

In Part 4 we continue our No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals.  This Reverend and Wedding Officiant is hoping you are learning some new ideas here, or perhaps improving on the skills you already have.  Regardless of your situation, NOW is the time to follow through on your life goals!!!  Part 4 will provide details to how you can successfully set your goals...OK, sit back and enjoy...

Successfully Setting Goals
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder

As you can see, failing at our goals is often a lot easier than achieving them. You might be asking yourself why bother setting goals if you are going to fail. You can successfully achieve your goals if you take a few steps to set up the right kinds of goals.  

Those who succeed at reaching their goals all do certain things in common.

·        Believe in your goals. It doesn’t do you any good to create goals that you don’t believe you can achieve. Make them just out of your current reach.

·        Visualize yourself having achieved the goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 2 months, visualize yourself buying a size smaller outfit.

·        Write your goals down. This is a powerful step. It’s the number one thing that helps keep you on track. Begin by writing down the big goal. Then break it down into smaller steps on how to reach your goal. Henriette Anne Klauser details this in her captivating book, Write It Down and Make It Happen. Writing down your goal means you are stating your intention and setting things in motion.

·        Commit to them. Do something towards achieving your goal every day. It doesn’t have to be a major step. Just do something. Maybe it’s drinking one more glass of water or walking an extra block.

·        Stay focused. Keep the number of goals you set at one time to less than 5. It’s difficult for anyone to focus on more than 5 items at one time. Don’t include several goals under each big goal. Instead focus on a few goals that you can repeat from memory.

·        Create “SMART” goals. This popular acronym that has been proven to work when setting your goals. They meet five specific criteria:

§  Specific- the goal must identify exactly what you want to accomplish in a very specific way. Instead of a goal of, “write a book”, make it more specific like, “Write a book proposal for The Family Life Manifesto.”

§  Measurable- the goal needs to have a measurable end result so you know without a doubt you have hit your goal. A goal of “earn more than last year” can’t be measured. A goal of “Earn $10,000 more this year than the last.” can.

§  Actionable- your goal should start with an action. (run, finish, quit, earn) instead of a to be verb (be, have, am). Replace “Be more active” with “Run 2 miles every day.”

§  Realistic- a good goal will stretch you out of your comfort zone but not be so unrealistic as to not be attainable in a reasonable amount of time. A lofty goal of “Qualify for the PGA Tour” might be better than “Lower my golf handicap by four strokes.”

§  Time- the goal needs to have a specific date for completion. It can be a year-end date or a closer date. “Lose ten pounds" doesn’t have a specific time while “lose 10 pounds by August 31” does.

·        Plan of action. Once you’ve committed to a goal, create a plan of action to attain it. The best way to do this is the break the big goal into smaller steps. Work backward from the big goal to help you figure out what you need to do.

·        Review your written goals frequently. Review them on a regular basis to keep on track and to determine what your next step is. You can review them daily, weekly or monthly, whatever works best for you. Let your goals inspire you to fill your daily task list.

Goal-setting is not just helpful, it’s necessary to succeed in what makes you happy. Those who make consistent progress towards their goals are often happier and have more satisfied lives than those who drift through life. Successful goal setting is the guide that gets them to the end of their goal.

Part 5 will give details of tips from actual experts who utilize upon the concept of setting and achieving goals.  OK, stay Blessed, and see you soon...

Kind Regards,

Dr. Anna Mock-Ward, Officiate My Wedding - A Subdivision of Wisdom Heart Ministry

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals: Part 3

It is hard to believe that Friday will be upon us...and also is April Fool's Day!!!  So on that note, let us get back to our No Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals.  In Part 2 I discussed 5 reasons why you need goals, and today, I will continue with reasons why goals fail.  As I have stated previously, this wedding officiant has to have goals in order to succeed, and to keep my schedule on track.  I hope you are enjoying our blog post thus far, and as always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Why Goals Fail
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” ~ Henry Ford

Now that you know why you need goals, setting the right ones and meeting them can be somewhat of a problem. More often than not we fail to meet some of the goals we set for ourselves. There are several major reasons for this.

·      Vague goals that lead to setting the wrong priorities. Sometimes you manage to find time to do things that don’t add any value to your life and aren’t relevant to your goals. You might have a goal to write a book within a year. Instead of writing to reach that goal, you work on other stuff like getting pulled into Facebook or chatting on forums about something else. If the goal is important enough for you, make it a priority to work on it.

·      Listening to the wrong people. Often we associate with those who steer us in the wrong direction for whatever reason. It could be they are afraid you will leave them if you succeed. Or maybe they are jealous of your ambition.

·      Our own selfish acts keep us from achieving our goals. Selfish acts such as not being willing to change a bad habit or thinking we deserve something without having to do the work.

·      We procrastinate. We make excuses. Lots of excuses (Don't feel bad, this wedding officiant has done this several times in my life!!!). It seems it’s easier to come up with an excuse than a reason why we need to be doing something. We’ve all made them. They range from not having enough time to the full moon. We’d rather watch TV or put off doing something because it’s easier than tackling our goals. Excuses are just that: excuses and they keep you at a standstill. Excuses often come about when we are afraid or uncertain of the outcome or the next step or what people will think. Or they happen when we are feeling lazy. We just don’t want to get out of our comfort zone and tackle what needs to be done to move us toward our goal. 

·      Negative thoughts and fears. We grow our fears larger than we think of our abilities. Fear of failure (or success) kills dreams before they get to the first step. It’s often that we believe things won’t work out (or if they do, what will change), and this keeps us from working on our goals.
Fear robs you of self-confidence. It allows you to come up with reasons (excuses) why you can’t accomplish your goals.

·      Lack higher purpose. Your “WHY” is weak. You have to know what your goal means to you and why you set it. Are you chasing after something because it’s expected of you or to keep up with your peers? If you set a goal for the wrong reason and spend time chasing after things you really don’t want, you lose your motivation to continue. You aren’t committed to them enough to achieve them and end up wasting time, money and energy. Instead figure out your “WHY” before you set your goals.

·      Working on too many things at once. Trying to do many different things spreads your attention too thin. It can keep us from developing our skills and expertise in an area we would thrive and be passionate about.

You need to discover what you are really good at and most driven to achieve and focus on it. Set goals to achieve success at that before you move on to something else.

·      Not having a plan. As the saying goes when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Having a plan is an essential part of reaching your goals. It’s the road map that gets you from point A to point B. Ask yourself how you plan to achieve your goal and what actions you need to take. Then use the answers to make a plan. A plan is the steps you need to take to reach your goal. Use these to set your priorities for what you need to do and when you need to do each step.

·      Not responsible and lack of commitment to the goal. This is kind of like knowing what your “why” is. We’ve all done it. We start a diet with good intentions on Monday but by the end of the week we begin to cheat until we are completely off track. You need to be fully committed to your goal to follow through. Excuses, friends and those donuts will always pop up when you least expect them to derail you or cause you to put off your goals.

·      Bad habits derail you. You have a habit of giving up when the going gets tough. It’s easier to just quit than to work through problems. Your goal may require you to change the way you eat or to exercise more or work harder or put yourself in front of others. It’s easier to grab a bag of chips and sit on the couch or to pass the work on to someone else. Changing your bad habits is a necessary step in achieving your goals.

There are many reasons we seem to fail at goals. One of the biggest, of course, is the failure to set goals in the first place. Even an informal goal is better than none at all. Lack of action and following through on your goals often comes from fear. Recognizing your fear and committing to working through it will go a long way in reaching your goals.

OK, stay tuned for Part 4 when I discuss how to successfully set your goals...

Dr. Anna Mock-Ward
Officiate My Wedding by Dr. Anna Mock-Ward; a Subdivision of Wisdom Heart Ministry

Monday, March 28, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals: Part 2

In today's blog, we will continue with our guide for setting and achieving your goals.  If you have not already read part 1, be sure to review my blog to get you started for your success in setting your goals.  This wedding officiant is here to help you on this journey, so let us continue onward bounds!!!

Why You Need Goals
“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.”– Fitzhugh Dodson

Almost all successful achievements begin with setting a goal. It’s the step that motivates you to take the first step toward what you want. You probably know people who have a passive approach in life, and they don’t set any goals. They just go through their life, day-by-day, doing the same thing from year to year. They don’t set a goal to achieve anything and that is exactly what they achieve.

The following list gives you 5 more reasons you need goals in life.

1. To move you in a focused direction. Have a goal, especially one that is written down with a set date to accomplish it. Your goals represent your inner desires. Your inner desires are what motivate you in life. Goals are a constant reminder of why you are doing the actions you’re doing. They are the path that leads you forward.  I know this all too well!!!  I not only run my wedding business, but also manage my Wisdom Heart Ministry.  This wedding officiant in York PA must stay focused at ALL times!!!

2. Turn big dreams into small steps. A big dream can seem impossible to accomplish. It can be discouraging. But when you set goals the right way, you break those larger, more intimidating goals down into smaller, achievable steps. These smaller goals make it easier to see what you need to do each step of the way.

3. Hold you accountable. Having concrete goals and writing them down gives you a timeline for achievement. If you fail along the path, you have something to look to for re-evaluation. You might be humbled if you look back on goals you set for 6 months, a year or even 5 years ago only to see you were supposed to accomplish a lot more than you did. It’s a sign that you went off the path with a wrong turn. Having these concrete goals written down helps you see where you need to go and what changes you need to make to reach them.
4.  Goals help us believe in ourselves. Goals are a way to fuel your ambition. Goals give you a plan for your life and hold you accountable as well as give you inspiration to aim for things you might have thought were impossible to achieve. For example, maybe you want to accomplish something many people only dream of. Setting a goal to reach that dream and the steps it takes to get there helps you see you progress.

5. Give you a picture of what you really want. More often than not, you have set goals that don’t really reflect what you really want. Maybe you think you need more money but what you really need is a change of environment. Or maybe you’ve set a goal to change jobs when what you really need is to work at something you can be passionate about. Having a vague sense of success keeps you from going after what you truly desire. Setting goals forces you to ask yourself what you really want and re-assess your goals as you gain perspective and self-reflection on what really makes you happy.

Finally, goals are necessary if you want to succeed at anything. They act as a map to guide you to what you truly desire and hope to achieve in your life. You use goals to reach personal, spiritual and professional success so you are living life to the fullest.

OK stay tuned for Part 3 when I will discuss why goals fail...

Dr. Anna Mock-Ward
Officiate My Wedding and Wisdom Heart Ministry

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals

 Do you know how important setting goals are to achieving success at anything? Do you set goals? Are they effective? Do you have written goals? If you answered no to these questions, you aren’t alone. Research has shown that 90 percent of people don’t have written goals.  In the following, this Wedding Officiant in York PA will give you guidance to secure your goal dreams.  I am not only a Wedding Officiant, but run my Wisdom Heart Ministry, and often guide my congregations of matters of the heart and soul.  This issue at hand is but one issue that is often brought up among my members.  I hope this information will help, and as always, feel free to reach out to me for more guidance...

Think of it like this. You go to the supermarket without a list. You roam the aisles, grabbing whatever catches your eyes. When you get home, you realize you’ve forgotten half the things you need. So now you have to make another trip to the store. Not only have you wasted time, but money as well, on things you don’t need. Having goals without writing them down is like shopping without a list.
The one thing all successful people, whether they are an athlete, a business owner or someone who has lost weight and kept it off, have in common is that they set goals for themselves.  Many people work hard but don’t seem to get anywhere. They feel as if they’re adrift, floating from one day to the next.  A key reason for this is because they haven’t taken the time to think about what they want in life and they don’t set any formal goals. It’s kind of like starting out on trip without any idea of where you are going. It’s probably not a good idea.

Goal setting is powerful. It puts you in the process of thinking of your ideal future and what motivates you to work toward that vision. Goals are your road-map to your future. Creating the goals road-map is the process which helps you choose what you want in life, where you want to go and who you want to be. When you know precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you need to focus your efforts to achieve the end result.  Having goals will help you quickly spot when you are going in the wrong direction or the distractions that lead you astray.  So how do you set goals that you can achieve and how can you avoid failure? That’s where this guide can help.

Welcome to the No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals report. This guide is designed to take you from floating through life to setting and achieving goals in a simple to understand, easy to implement format. Get ready - this guide will move you to set goals for change.

What you’re about to learn in this guide:

·    Why you need goals
·    Why goals fail
·    How to successfully set goals
·    Tips from the experts
·    How to follow through

Before we get to the heart of goal setting, we should look at more reasons why you need goals to succeed in everything you do.

Stay tuned for our next blog to continue in this Awesome setting and achieving goals...Your Goals for Success!!!

Dr. Anna

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wedding Officiant in York PA Gives 4 Tips in Writing your own Vows

A person’s wedding is one of the most memorable highlights in an individual’s life.  At a time when both partners want to make the ultimate commitment to spend the rest of their lives together, the desire to have personalized vows is certainly understandable.  This wedding officiant in York Pa says if you want to speak your own personal wedding vows, than by all means, you should go for it!

Writing your own vows can be intimidating.  Wedding days always add pressure to even the most mundane of tasks, and certainly writing the vows you want to say to your significant other in front of all your friends and family is no small matter!  Still, don’t let fear cause you to go along with some basic commonly used wedding vows if you really want that personalized touch.  Just follow a few basic tips, and this will help you be on your way to writing the tips your future spouse deserves!

1. Write from the heart.  Your wedding day represents the epitome of love between you and your future spouse.  The two of you are together for a reason.  Anything you write should be honest and from your heart, because that is what will really make your words special.

2. You don’t have to be Robert Frost or Emily Dickinson.  If you are a poet, great.  Keep in mind, though, that in the end words are just words.  Your wedding vows do not have to be an amazing classic piece of literature—they need to be an honest display of your feelings for the other person.  Don’t use long poetical words if all it does is put distance between your words and your feelings.

3. It’s okay to brainstorm.  Before you sit down to write everything, make a list of the things about your spouse that you absolutely love, then make a list of the commitments you want to make.  Figure out what parts of those lists you really want to include (keep in mind the vows are read in front of families and friends) and keep those.

4. Short and Sweet.  It doesn’t take many words or a lot of time to make your heart known to everyone present.  A lot can be said in a really short time, so don’t feel like you have to make the vows any longer than they naturally come out.

Follow these four tips, and you’ll find yourself getting over your worries to write some great wedding vows that your spouse will love! If you want help in writing your own vows, I can help as well. No matter what, this wedding officiant in York Pa is here for you both.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Wedding Officiant in PA says Now is the Time to Create Your Wedding Time Capsule

One of the wedding trends that's really revving up brides today is the addition of a time capsule to the wedding prep proceedings. Yes, the wedding time capsule is a growing trend -- to the point where you can buy a pre-made kit from many web sites.  This wedding officiant in pa suggests that you do review  I actually prefer the style via TheCarpentersD, and lists at $175.00 USD.  However, you do have a variety of other choices which will fit within your wedding budget plans.

In kit form, your wedding time capsule takes the form of an attractive tin, in which you place various mementos -- photos, videos -- as well as predictions for the future; then, you seal it all up with some festive stickers, to help discourage premature peeking. You decide ahead of time how long you'll wait until you open it again -- your 10th anniversary? 25th anniversary? And then you write a stern directive to yourself on the tin to help you keep to the agreement.  Depending on your budget, you do not have to utilize a tin can alone.  There are so many options to choose from, and here are the ones I like:  decorated boxes from Staples; under the Martha Stewart Brand, take old vintage containers and decorate to your liking, using old shoe boxes, and then the box from Home Depot that has a lock and key!!!

Although most people equate "time capsule" with "something you bury in the ground," burying your wedding time capsule isn't a great idea. Not only does that subject the contents to extreme temperature variations, but with the US Census reporting that the average American moves every five years, chances of you leaving behind a buried capsule before the hoped-for anniversary rolls around are high indeed. Instead, keep yours out of the elements and somewhere relatively kind -- avoid damp attics, but a climate-controlled closet would be just perfect.

Some of us just like to do things our own way, and a wedding time capsule is no exception. Of course you can create your own! And a great way to do that is to get close friends and relatives in on the fun. Have them scribble up some predictions -- or perhaps marital advice. Take advantage of a pre-wedding party to snap photos of your intimates, and tuck the photos into the capsule. If you really want to motivate people to get involved, hold some kind of drawing for participants, such as a wedding raffle -- give away a box of fine cigars, a bottle of bubbly or even an afternoon at a spa.

While you're letting others in on the action, there are number of ways to go about it. One is to compose a list of predictions for everyone to guess at -- the whole experience is similar to filling out a junior high slam book, and just as fun. For example, ask participants to predict:

How many children you'll have,
what kind of household robots you'll have,
how many career changes you've gone through,
what major nation we're closest to, and which one we're mad at,
what animal is the trendiest pet,

... and so on.

Another is to ask your wedding party and close friends to compose short letters to you. Give them each envelopes, and instruct them to tell you on the outside when it's time to open the envelope. Some will simply say "fifth anniversary," "10th anniversary," or "when your first child is born." Others will get more creative -- and you'll probably find it's terrific fun to stretch out the time capsule concept in this inventive, unpredictable way.  You can also read more about this Awesome topic at  This article entitled: "How to Make an Amazing 5 Year Wedding Anniversary Time Capsule, was written by Kara Yates, the Senior Editor at ModWedding.

OK, no matter your budget for your Awesome Wedding Day, this is just one unique experience that can be shared by ALL.  If this wedding officiant in pa can assist you further, do not hesitate to reach out to me...  CALL ME TODAY at 717-417-6510.