Saturday, March 26, 2016

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals

 Do you know how important setting goals are to achieving success at anything? Do you set goals? Are they effective? Do you have written goals? If you answered no to these questions, you aren’t alone. Research has shown that 90 percent of people don’t have written goals.  In the following, this Wedding Officiant in York PA will give you guidance to secure your goal dreams.  I am not only a Wedding Officiant, but run my Wisdom Heart Ministry, and often guide my congregations of matters of the heart and soul.  This issue at hand is but one issue that is often brought up among my members.  I hope this information will help, and as always, feel free to reach out to me for more guidance...

Think of it like this. You go to the supermarket without a list. You roam the aisles, grabbing whatever catches your eyes. When you get home, you realize you’ve forgotten half the things you need. So now you have to make another trip to the store. Not only have you wasted time, but money as well, on things you don’t need. Having goals without writing them down is like shopping without a list.
The one thing all successful people, whether they are an athlete, a business owner or someone who has lost weight and kept it off, have in common is that they set goals for themselves.  Many people work hard but don’t seem to get anywhere. They feel as if they’re adrift, floating from one day to the next.  A key reason for this is because they haven’t taken the time to think about what they want in life and they don’t set any formal goals. It’s kind of like starting out on trip without any idea of where you are going. It’s probably not a good idea.

Goal setting is powerful. It puts you in the process of thinking of your ideal future and what motivates you to work toward that vision. Goals are your road-map to your future. Creating the goals road-map is the process which helps you choose what you want in life, where you want to go and who you want to be. When you know precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you need to focus your efforts to achieve the end result.  Having goals will help you quickly spot when you are going in the wrong direction or the distractions that lead you astray.  So how do you set goals that you can achieve and how can you avoid failure? That’s where this guide can help.

Welcome to the No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals report. This guide is designed to take you from floating through life to setting and achieving goals in a simple to understand, easy to implement format. Get ready - this guide will move you to set goals for change.

What you’re about to learn in this guide:

·    Why you need goals
·    Why goals fail
·    How to successfully set goals
·    Tips from the experts
·    How to follow through

Before we get to the heart of goal setting, we should look at more reasons why you need goals to succeed in everything you do.

Stay tuned for our next blog to continue in this Awesome setting and achieving goals...Your Goals for Success!!!

Dr. Anna

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